23 December, 2012

Forever Wedding Cake

Forever Wedding Cake

Mix together:
One rounded cup of true love.
One heaping cup of perfect trust and confidence.
A pinch of unselfishness.
A sprinkle of interest in all he does.
Add a pint of sympathy.
Flavor with a bright home and loving kiss.
Bake well all your life.

My wife was looking through her old recipe books for a particular Christmas cake recipe and came across several handwritten recipes given to her in Tripoli, Libya in 1979. Amongst them was this wedding cake recipe. The recipes had been given to her by a kind American lady named Ethel, whose husband Abdul Rahman had worked for NASSA developing freeze dried foods for astronauts. Abdul Rahman was one of several well reputed Iraqi scientists who had been persuaded to help establish Gaddafi’s Arab Scientific Centre. However they soon discovered that there was no substance in the Libyan claims for their centre and, disillusioned, they soon left.
I would like to take this opportunity to send to all my family, friends and acquaintances seasonal greetings and my very best wishes for the New Year. May 2013 be a peaceful and happy year for you all.
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